From: Micah Berkley, pro se

Date: July 5, 2024

Re: Case No. 2021D079057, In re the Marriage of Dominique Ward and Micah Berkley


This complaint details a deeply troubling and relentless pattern of legal and ethical misconduct perpetrated by attorney Lindsay Nathan, causing irreparable harm to a father and his children. Ms. Nathan, seemingly empowered by a system that has failed to check her actions, has weaponized legal procedure, engaged in deceit, and manipulated public perception to silence my voice and unjustly sever my bond with my daughters, McKenzie and Michaela Berkley. This is not merely a case of adversarial representation; it is a calculated campaign of obstruction, fueled by her client's vindictive agenda and enabled by a court system that has repeatedly prioritized Ms. Ward's interests over the fundamental rights of a father and the best interests of his children.

List of Violations:

Ms. Nathan’s conduct demonstrates a blatant disregard for the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct, specifically:

Explanation of Violations:

1. Unequal Application of Judge Substitution Rights (735 ILCS 5/2-1001(a)(2))

The right to one substitution of judge without cause, enshrined in Illinois law, is meant to ensure a fair and impartial hearing for all parties. However, this right has been twisted into a weapon by Ms. Ward and Ms. Nathan, used to manipulate the judicial process and ensure that only judges favorable to their agenda preside over this case.

2. Deliberate Miscommunication and Last-Minute Filings – A Strategy of Ambush and Silencing:

Ms. Nathan's blatant disregard for my due process rights is undeniably evident in her consistent pattern of filing motions and amendments at the eleventh hour, often mere hours before scheduled hearings. This calculated tactic, aimed at preventing me from effectively responding, has resulted in numerous defaults against me and significantly prejudiced my case.